Dental Implants in Welland

Dr. Pampena and his team of dental professionals here at The Pines Dental in Welland offer dental implants. It is important to remember that long lasting results rely on careful planning and diagnosis. Dr. Pampena has over 13 years experience in placing and restoring dental implants. Furthermore, he has honed his approach to make use of the most modern technology available, such as, 3D cone beam imaging and computer guided surgery. Whether your need is to fill one gap or a complete jaw full of teeth, these advancements can make surgery less risky and much faster.

Dental implants are designed to provide a secure foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth. If you are among the many Canadians who suffer from permanent tooth loss, you can eliminate the problems and discomfort caused by poorly fitting dentures or missing teeth. You can begin to discover the joy of eating healthy, speaking clearly, feeling confident and laughing comfortably! With dental implants, you can rediscover the comfort and confidence to enjoy your life. They are designed to provide you with a natural-looking and functioning smile.

Say goodbye to gaps in your smile and hello to a confident, complete set of teeth with dental implants in Welland. Book a consultation at The Pines Dental today.

Did you know that even the loss of one tooth might result in the tipping, drifting and erupting of neighbouring and opposing teeth? The loss of several teeth can result in the inability to chew and speak effectively. It can also lead to the collapse of your bite, causing stress on your jaw joints and facial muscles. There may be a reduction in the vertical dimension of your face resulting in an older facial appearance and noticeable facial lines. Dr. Pampena considers all these factors when determining how best to achieve dental aesthetics that are in harmony with your physiology.

Implants are the closest solution to the replacement of natural teeth. They are comprised of two components:

  1. An Implant portion which replaces the root portion of the tooth and

  2. The crown portion replacing the visible tooth (above the gums).

Dental implants are currently the gold standard for tooth replacement. They look and feel like natural teeth and can last a lifetime with proper care. Dental Implants offer a permanent solution to tooth loss, allowing you to regain a natural-looking and healthy smile. Like natural teeth, implants stimulate the jaw and stop bone loss. The benefits are life-long, firm, safe support for your teeth and prevention of further bone loss.

Implantology at The Pines Dental

One of Dr. Pampena’s most loved areas of dentistry is implantology. As such, he has sought advanced education in this area to deliver the highest level of care. After completing a continuum of courses over a number of years, Dr. Pampena is a fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantology. Currently he is working towards his fellowship within the highly respected American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID).

Dr. Pampena is experienced in providing all levels of implant therapy from single tooth solutions to full mouth rehabilitation and he is committed to using the most advanced technology to help gain the best and fastest results.

If you have any further questions about how dental implants can improve your quality of life, please feel free to speak with Dr. Pampena at The Pines Dental in Welland, ON.

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Opening hours

Monday 9AM - 5PM
Tuesday 9AM - 7PM
Wednesday 9AM - 5PM
Thursday 9AM - 5PM
Friday 9AM - 3PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed