Dental bonding is one dental procedure that is commonly used to enhance the appearance of teeth and to improve the overall smile. Dr. Pampena utilizes this technique to change the overall shape of teeth so that crooked teeth look straighter. Another method is to use dental bonding to fill in the gaps between the teeth. Overall, dental bonding is useful in the following situations:
Bonding is a procedure in which tooth-coloured material is used to close gaps or change tooth colour. Of all cosmetic dental procedures, including veneers and crowns, bonding can be the quickest and most affordable option and is usually accomplished in one office visit unless multiple teeth require attention.
Although cosmetic dental bonding is less costly then veneers and crowns, it must be kept in mind that it is also usually not as long lasting. If you have any questions about dental bonding, please feel free to speak with Dr. Pampena on what the best options for your cosmetic dental restoration would be.
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